Global Connectivity

Post Secondary Education​​

Post Secondary Education​​


 We are an industry specific provider of consultancy services in the development and implementation of international collaboration and relationships between educational institutions around the globe. 

Post Secondary Education​​

Post Secondary Education​​

Post Secondary Education​​


 We specialize in the development of  post secondary  diploma and degree programs  for private and career Colleges and universities. We focus on advising and mentoring international prospective students on the choice of programs that will lead to career and personal success.

Training and Development

Post Secondary Education​​

Training and Development


 We design and develop skills training.management training and and leadership development programs for hospitality industry and provide consultancy services for tourism destination development  and Hotels and Resorts management



Hospitality and Tourism Education

  • Facilitate the development of academic frame work
  • Facilitate the development of theoretical frame work
  • Academic program development
  • Academic program evaluation
  • International student recruitment and placement


Hospitality and Tourism Industry

  • Hospitality and Tourism  industry skills development and training
  • Hospitality and Tourism management and leadership program development
  • Travel and Tourism competitive analysis
  • Destination development feasibility studies
  • Hotel and Resorts Operations analysis
  • Strategic and business development plans